
French Bulldog Owner's Guide

First Things First: First of all you will need a place your new puppy can call his own. You may want to purchase a crate two feet by three feet. Purchase one that has a place to hang water and food bowls. The crate will be used to housebreak your puppy, a safe place for your puppy when you are away, and a place for your puppy to sleep. The choice is up to you, and you know best on what kind of schedule you will be keeping. If you don't want a crate for your new puppy a nice doggie bed will do just fine as long as you are still able to confine you puppy.


You will need to feed your new French Bulldog puppy food 4 times a day until he is three months of age, from three to six months of age feed three times a day, from six months feed two times a day, for the rest of your puppies/dog’s life .
Switch your French Bulldog to adult dog food at 12 months of age.
Always have plenty of water available for your French Bulldog.
Feed your new puppy dog food that is all natural. Do not feed soya!! Some French Bulldog’s are allergic to soya. When soya filler is mixed with water it will expand and can cause gastric torsion that may be fatal to your French Bulldog.
Follow the amount recommended on the bag of food and adjust it to your feeding schedule.
I Recommend Acana Junior or Orijen only available at Veterinarian, plain yogurt, scrambled eggs, rice, pasta, Cooked chicken, beef meat with no fat.


Chew Toys:

All new puppies will chew on most anything. Purchase safe chew toys for your puppy. These toys should be almost unbreakable. You will want to teach your new puppy what he is allowed to chew on. Never buy your puppy any toy he can swallow or get stuck in his throat. Nylon chew toys are safe and are available at most all pet stores. Chew toys will help in your French Bulldog dental hygiene. Don’t give your French Bulldog puppy rawhide sticks, Pig ears and Pig hooves these are not safe chew toys.



Your crate will be your aid in housebreaking your French Bulldog. Put your puppy in the crate when you are not home and to sleep in during the night. As soon as your puppy is let out of its crate take it outside and do not allow it to come back in until it goes. (A little praise goes a long way) Most all dog’s will not soil where they sleep if they are let out often enough.


Over Heating:

French Bulldog’s overheat easily. This can be from Temperature, Excitement, Exercise, or Stress. French Bulldog’s can die from heat exhaustion. Whenever you and your French Bulldog are out in warm weather take water with you. If you are going to be out for a while take along ice and lemon juice. If your French Bulldog begins to overheat and starts to bring up phlegm you must act quickly to cool him down. Get your French Bulldog out of the heat. Squirt lemon juice in his mouth to clear away the phlegm. Put a wet towel on him keep him calm.
If your French Bulldog goes down from heat exhaustion, and his tongue turns blue. Wet him with cold water or cool him with ice. Lay him in ice or cool water if you can. You must bring his body temperature down. You can put ice up his anus if necessary.



French Bulldog’s have elongated palates and sometimes vomit or bring up phlegm. This is normal. If your French Bulldog is doing it constantly when he is not overheated or excited consult your Vet.



French Bulldog’s are not natural swimmers. Never leave your French Bulldog unattended near water!!!!!!





Face Wrinkles:

Keep your French Bulldog’s wrinkles clean and dry. Wipe all of the folds on his face with a wet towel, then dry them really well. Once they’re nice and dry, sprinkle in some gold bond medicated powder or just Vaseline and he’s all done.



Your new puppy will require an initial series of 3 vaccinations. Yearly boosters are required after the initial series. Follow your veterinarians recommendations, your Vet will tell you what the state law is requiring rabies vaccination.



Every 3 months!!



Do not hit your dog as a means of control.
This teaches the dog to fear and retaliate.
Build leadership by none confrontational means only.
There will be a great sense of security instilled in your dog knowing that you are firmly in control.

How to discipline:

You must teach your puppy what is, and what is not, acceptable. To make it easy for both you and your dog REMEMBER:
1 Prevent negative behaviours from occurring and reinforce positive behaviours.
2 Never use your hands as weapons.
3 Be consistent.
4 Use a puppy line while supervising the dog.
5 Use your voice. Low guttural sounds tend to be effective.
6 Never discipline after the fact.
7 Praise is a motivator. Use a happy, high pitched voice when praise.
8 Tone of voice is very important. Command tones should be given in a happy, pitched voice when you want your dog to move. Use a firm, low voice when you want your dog to stay.
Never leave a Choke Chain on the French Bulldog!!!!


Worms are internal parasites and are one of the most common and sometimes most frustrating health problems, which dog breeders encounter. The fact that the lifecycle and method of reproduction is not always well understood, ads to the frustration of dogs that are regularly treated for worms, but still are infected with worms. The fact that not all deworming remedies are equally effective, and that treatment of worms are often quite expensive, leads to irregular treatment, which results in reestablishment of the worm infestation within a given dog population.

Common worms in dogs

Roundworms are the most common worms found in dog. T.leo nina has a direct lifecycle, but the larva migrate through to the dog’s organs and muscles. The adult stages (males and females) of the worms are found in the intestines of dogs. The females lay millions of eggs, which are excreted with the dog’s faeces. The first larva stage develops inside the egg, which can be ingested by other dogs or the same dog.
When dogs are infested with T.leo nina eggs, the larva are set free and develop into adult worms in the intestines. The cycle will repeat itself as long as there are adult worms, which produce eggs. It takes about 75 days for ingested eggs to develop to the adult stage (laying eggs)
When dogs swallow eggs of T.cani’s, the larvae go through the guts and enter the bloodstream and end up in the organs and muscles of the dog. The larva stages can survive in the dog’s muscles for over a year! When the pregnant bitch reaches her 42 day, the larvae are set free and travel through the placenta to the puppies in the uterus. (Termed trans placental infection) The puppies are therefore born with worm infections. The larva can also be attached to the mammary glands of the bitch and transmitted to the puppies as they suckle. The larva will develop into adults within 23 to 40 days and start producing eggs, which will be excreted with their faeces. This results in 4-week old puppies being heavily infested with worms, which will also infest their surroundings.

Roundworms cause the following symptoms in young dogs:

Emaciation, vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation with a typical bloated appearance. Heavy infestations can also cause nervous symptoms and even convulsions.


Hookworms (Ancylostomiasis spp)

Hookworms are common worms of dogs. Hookworms also have a direct lifecycle and can infest the puppies in the womb just like T. canis. Hookworms are not only transferred by mouth but can also penetrate the skin. Larvae of hookworms are very sensitive to desiccation and can only survive where there is enough dampness. High temperatures are also needed for larvae to become infectious. Hookworms flourishes in areas with high rainfall and high temperatures.



Tapeworm have an indirect life cycle. There is always an intermediate host involved. The adult tapeworm that occur in the dogs intestines will release eggs into the dogs faeces from time to time and these segments have the ability to move around for some time. The flea is the intermediate host.
Health hazards of worms for humans below:



can migrate through the body and attach them self to the human’s organs.
It can migrate to the eyes and even cause blindness.
Sometimes liver infection can be seen, and serious liver infection can develop.



They can also harm human organs and cause disease symptoms. Since they can penetrate the skin of humans, they can cause a condition of “sand worm infection” with severe irritation of the skin.



Echinococcus infections in dogs carry huge dangers for humans. The human is one of the intermediate hosts for echinococcus worms. The bladder worm, which develops in the human, can attach to any organ, most commonly the brain and lungs. It can have life threatening results, especially in the brain where it can lead to convulsions, blindness and even death! Since the human is not a known host to the other tapeworms, it holds no great danger for humans.
Treatment of worms in dogs
Lately there is a wide range of Deworming medication, which can be used to treat dogs. These medications are mostly broad-spectrum remedies, which are effective for treating most known worms in dogs. Products from vets are generally the newer combination medication and therefore should be used to deworm your puppy. DEWORM YOUR DOG EVERY 3 MONTHS!!


Cherry eye (prolapse gland of the third eyelid)

Hypertrophy and prolapse of the gland of the nictitating membrane (cherry eye) is common in young dogs. In the acute stage, the red mass swells and protrudes over the leading margin of the nictations, and there is a mucopurulent discharge. Although the swelling may recede for short periods, it eventually often remains prolapsed. Because it is a major tear gland, it should be preserved if possible; the gland should be replaced and anchored with sutures although specialist seem to suggest that partial excision should be avoided. this is exactly what often happens particularly if repeated anchoring techniques fail. Complete excision may predispose to dry eye.
Never let children handle your puppy because if they drop the puppy the puppy can die of injury!!!